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Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014

Drake University Football Game

We went to a College Football Game yesterday. Drake University is a little college so the game wasn't on TV and there weren't that many people but it was a nice experience.
It is a very good College in law but also in other areas. My Journalism teacher, for example, graduated there and was able to work in New York at different theaters. Drake is very expensive. I bought a Drake shirt there and my host brother caught one of the shirts that the cheerleaders threw to the crowd and gave it to me. So now I have two DU shirts :)
Drake won the game and I really enjoyed watching it.

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

Date of Departure

I recently got my visa and my date of departure *.*
I'm gonna fly on the 7th August. Sooo excited!

Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2014

Visa and Berlin

I actually finally finished all the visa stuff. On June 25th I'll go to Berlin, do the interview, spend some days in a beautiful city, go back and get the visa which will let me into the States :) So excited - I write those two words in every post I just relised lol

Samstag, 7. Juni 2014


Filling out Visa-Stuff... it is pretty exhausting but I'm still exited to go to the US!!
And when I finish it I'll get my departure date! :)

Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Dancing II

Soo I'm not in the dancing Team... Unfortunately. But that means I can choose something different and maybe something totally new.
Still looking forward *.*

Freitag, 2. Mai 2014


At my school in America there's a Hip Hop club/activity. And I want to join it so bad but there are tryouts which is so mean. I have to learn a certain dance from YouTube, film it and send it to the coach. That's just so much work :D
And perhaps I won't be good enough and she won't put me in the team... 
Well, I just gotta try and hope for the best. 
Wish me luck! <3

Sonntag, 27. April 2014

My Host-Family

Yesterday I got the letter from YFU. 
I'm going to Iowa!
I'll have three host-brothesrs (24, 24, 27).
My school is huuge but I guess that's normal for the US.
Well, I'm very excited and looking forward to August when I will be flighing to the USA to spend a whole year there.

Sonntag, 16. März 2014


Next Sunday I will be going for a preparation meeting for my exchange year.
There, we will be learning how to deal with the pressure, 
what to do and what not to do and those kind of things.
...and I don't have to go to school for one week, so that's great too :D
I think it will be fun :)

Samstag, 15. März 2014


I've sent in all the information and schedules 
and I'm now waiting to find out where I'm going to live. 
But that will still take a long time.
Normaly one finds out about 3 months to 1 week before departure.